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Location Rating: 4 Point Rating ( 10 Ratings)
October 20, 2009, 11:22:41 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Lucky Strike/Power Play Website
700 Bellevue Way NE,
Bellevue, WA, 98004

« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 08:59:55 PM by BLueSS »
Read October 28, 2009, 12:59:34 AM #51

Assuming I'm feeling okay tomorrow (I've been fighting something off for DAYS,) I'll probably be heading to Power Play for several hours. Anyone interested in joining me?
Read October 28, 2009, 07:45:26 AM #52

I was planning on going tonight since I'm leaving for California for four days tomorrow, but my I decided to use the treadmill instead of the elliptical at the gym yesterday and now my right knee could use a break.
Read October 28, 2009, 11:20:55 AM #53

If anyone gets friendly with the owners/managment of this place and they seem interested in putting in an In the Groove 2 dedicab, have them talk to me about it. I'd love to put it in a nicer facility like this where everyone can play it and I (and my partners) could make a few bucks off it.

I know this idea is HIGHLY unlikely, given the nature of this arcade, but I felt it'd be worth throwing that out there.
Read October 28, 2009, 12:38:02 PM #54

I don't see why it would be highly unlikely if we're giving them ways to make money.

I have no clue if they're using a distributor or doing it all independently; someone should check the machines for stickers that might tell us... but if it's all independent, they might be willing to add a few "quality" machines.
Read October 28, 2009, 01:08:35 PM #55

I had actually talked to Tony about asking if they would be interested in our Pop'n Music, but we both agreed the likelihood that they'd want something like that, as opposed to a nice, newer ITG is pretty low - the Pop'n has clearly been around the block, hanging out in Japanese arcades and whatnot.

It's looking more and more like I'm going to PP from about 6-9, so I hope to see some of you there!
Read October 28, 2009, 01:18:57 PM #56

I have severe doubts that they don't own their own machines, since they have repair staff able to do things like patch machines as necessary.  As such, private machiens would probably not be a problem for that reason.  However, since they aim to open locations around the country, they're probably going to be like Gameworks and generally try to abide by a rule to the effect of "this game will be in at least x% of our locations" when they buy things, so private stuff might be an issue for that reason.  It would never hurt to ask, but I have severe doubts it would work out.
Read October 28, 2009, 02:08:32 PM #57

It should be noted that even though as a policy I prefer Pump, I would play  the crap out of an R21 ITG machine if it were there, as would Tony. Having an arcade walking distance from my house is, of course, already awesome enough, but yeah... throw some ITG in there and HECK YES.
Read October 28, 2009, 03:21:36 PM #58

I probably won't be a "regular" at Power Play. As such, if Laura or Jon start to get to know the staff, drop the suggestion if you feel the timing is right. Don't forget to stress that an ITG 2 dedicab is still the #1 most popular dance system in the US.

IMO our machine is in great shape and would look great in Power Play. I would buy brand new decal graphics for the whole machine and replace the USB ports (just to make certain they're new and work great). The machine will look as good as new.

Power Play might not be as far north as I'd like it to be, but if I could get some cash back from my machine and make it available to the public, then I don't mind it being in Bellevue.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 03:26:24 PM by Suko »
Read October 28, 2009, 04:03:20 PM #59

It should be noted that even though as a policy I prefer Pump, I would play  the crap out of an R21 ITG machine if it were there, as would Tony. Having an arcade walking distance from my house is, of course, already awesome enough, but yeah... throw some ITG in there and HECK YES.
Agreed. I love Pump but more options never hurt! And it's nice to keep the adrenaline going when someone else is playing.
Read October 28, 2009, 04:14:47 PM #60

I'll have to see what Jon thinks, but he's been talking to the management about the two of us running an air hockey tournament. Maybe while we're working those details out with them, we can bring your machine up, as well. ITG has the benefit of being an American game, not an import, so it looks more credible to a classy place like PP.

Heck, I wonder if we shouldn't just direct the staff at PP to this thread.
Read October 31, 2009, 03:08:46 AM #61

Ok, so I finally had my first negative experience here. Sara and I went, along with Tony and Tada. I was wearing a skirt that was kind of old, and Sara's jeans had a hole in them. They not only let us in, but gave us free games and flirted with us. Tony and Tada were wearing clothing that didn't look soiled or ripped at all, but they hassled them and tried to deny them entry because part of the dress code is apparently "no shorts." Tony pulled up their dress code on his phone and pointed out that it didn't say anything about shorts - it turns out they've decided to "add" it because "it's winter so people shouldn't be wearing shorts." I asked if my skirt was also disallowed for that reason and the guy at the front said that "skirts are always ok."

Apparently I get a free pass because I have boobs and a vagina. That's ok and all, but my husband, in the shorts and tee shirt, has dibs on those boobs and vagina, so they'd best mind their step (lol).
Read October 31, 2009, 03:11:39 AM #62

First run in with the dress code today; even though it's not listed, they are "cracking down" on shorts as it is now "winter" (I will note that the dress code does not say anything along the lines of "subject to change at any time" or anything like that)  They ultimately let us through with a "don't do it next time."  We have not confirmed if it is only Fri/Sat or every day, but the dress code is only in effect once they go 21+ on whatever days they choose, so playing during the daytime is still no problem.  We'll see where things go from here.
Read October 31, 2009, 08:55:12 AM #63

Did they really say it's winter? If so, Autumn would like to know why it was kicked out of the party so early.
Read October 31, 2009, 03:49:06 PM #64

IIRC they did say that it was winter. They were actually pretty nice about it, in the capacity that they let Tony and Tada in anyway (they asked if they were "with us" though). The thing is, nowhere on the written dress code does it actually say "you can't wear shorts." These aren't athletic shorts, they're literally short khakis...
Read November 01, 2009, 02:12:11 PM #65

IIRC they did say that it was winter. They were actually pretty nice about it, in the capacity that they let Tony and Tada in anyway (they asked if they were "with us" though). The thing is, nowhere on the written dress code does it actually say "you can't wear shorts." These aren't athletic shorts, they're literally short khakis...

In all fairness, skirts are a year-round clothing item, whereas shorts really aren't so much.  Not that I agree with the rule, but I think it might be less sexist than you think.  And the tiny, itty bitty hole in my jeans is barely noticeable. =p

And I don't remember them asking if Tony and Tada were with us.  They actually said that they remembered Tony, and that he's their cool dance games guy.

The staff gave us two free credits, but they didn't flirt with us, unless you count an eyebrow raise.

I just don't want this place to get the rep of being sexist from what you're saying.  I really don't think it's bad at all, even though I think the dress code is a bit silly.

I wonder if they'll let Tony wear a skirt?  He does have great legs.  Wink
Read November 01, 2009, 06:39:42 PM #66

They asked if someone was with me. Maybe it was James - they weren't going to let him in either because he was wearing a sweatshirt. You had already gone in.

Miniskirts are not supposed to be a year round clothing item. Tongue I also saw many girls in shorts - very short shorts, but clearly shorts. Some of the female employees were even wearing shorts.

I don't think these guys are bad people or anything, but I do think that you and I get better treatment because we're female, and that does bother me.
Read November 01, 2009, 10:21:29 PM #67

I was just looking at some of the photos of this place on opening night. It looks way nice than gameworks (probably because everyone is dressed all shwanky)

Lol, I really want to come check this place out. Is anyone up for going next weekend when it's NOT 21+
so I may come with you guys. lol, curse me and being 19 years old.
Read November 01, 2009, 10:47:32 PM #68

I'll see what I can do. Might swing by there if I have the time. I'll let you know!
Read November 01, 2009, 11:42:20 PM #69

Yeah, I'll go for sure. Depending on how long you want to stay we should probably all go in the afternoon or something though. Maybe we can all go to the Red Robin across the street afterwards!
Read November 02, 2009, 04:46:02 AM #70

A bit more fuel on the fire with regard to the dress code incident: Laura was wearing a relatively plain, white, non-button-up shirt (small, faint logo, that's it), which is arguably in violation of the "no plain white t-shirts" rule.  Though I will admit low cut and t-shirt are usually mutually exclusion, hence "arguably in violation."  I personally don't want to draw any heavy conclusions from what was and wasn't enforced, but will keep track of anything that does happen.

Honestly, I would just as well tend away from the place Fri/Sat nights because when we go to an arcade at that time, we usually intend to be there awhile and with other people, and at that point, I'd really prefer to have access to more than one game I play.  If they enforce the dress code every night, there could be an issue, but we will see.
Read November 02, 2009, 08:11:29 PM #71

Ditto for the "let's just go at times that aren't weekend nights."

Oh and also, I'd LOVE to have an air hockey meetup here. These tables are expensive but more or less a dream come true to play on.  Who else even plays anymore? 
Read November 02, 2009, 08:23:04 PM #72

+1 for air hockey
Happy Redneck
Read November 03, 2009, 01:49:11 AM #73

Went here a few hours ago. Pump It Up is great but I think the pads are too close to the screen. But this place seems cool to hang out at
Read November 03, 2009, 03:14:38 PM #74

Anyone else planning on going, maybe a little bit later today? I was thinking that it might be nice to reward myself with a couple of hours of Pump after a day of cleaning and writing - maybe around 6. Hopefully another part of my reward can be "social interaction!" Cheesy
Happy Redneck
Read November 03, 2009, 03:21:40 PM #75

Damn I wish I could but I'm broke until Friday. Can you go on Saturday?
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