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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Western Washington
Acme Bowl ITG Custom Song Request Thread
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waits the zealot...
May 29, 2009, 09:39:18 PM
We can add songs to the Acme Bowl ITG cabinet now.
I'm in charge of this, so basically this is how it works:
1. Post in the thread a link to the song that you want added to the machine. Make sure the audio is in the correct format, the SM file works with R21 syncing, and that you have a banner/background file if you don't want a generic one.
2. I'll play the song on my custom ITG build, and tell you if it's appropriate to add to the Acme machine.
3. Barring any weird stuff going on in my life, I'll add the song to the Acme ITG cabinet next time I do an update. This should occur fairly frequently.
4. If you have a song that you want added but don't have the file yourself (or it's a really common file), just post the song name and author and I'll look for it. I have all the DDR song packs converted for hacking, so that should be possible to add immediately.
Current Added Songs/Packs
ITG Rebirth
Customs 1:
Loituma (12) (syncing is correct)
Lucky (9) (syncing untested, let me know)
Seven (11) (syncing untested, let me know)
Shades of Blue (10) (syncing untested, let me know)
The Final Hour (12) (syncing untested, let me know)
Boten Anna (11) (syncing untested, let me know)
Candyman (10) (slightly late, will fix)
Crazy Loop (11) (syncing untested, let me know)
Feels Like That Night (10) (syncing untested, let me know)
Infernoplex (12) (syncing untested, let me know)
Listen to Your Heart (10) (syncing untested, let me know)
Tricky Disco (10) (syncing is correct)
I Can Walk on Water, I Can Fly (11) (syncing untested, let me know)
Heaven (11) (syncing untested, let me know)
Flash Exclusives ^_^ & Friends v2
Songs to be added on 5/xx/10
More Flash Exclusives stuff
...and of course more requests!
Other nice things
OpenITG beta2 installed
ITG3 Theme
ITG Empress theme (
will be fixed soon
Song Wheel Speed is set to Very Fast
Custom Speed Mods
A couple marathons.
Other planned hacks currently:[/b]
ITG Gold Theme (probably in May)
Theme Switcher (enter a pad code on the main menu, and a menu will pop up letting you switch the theme before your game)
Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 05:19:53 PM by KevinDDR
Happy Redneck
June 03, 2009, 01:52:06 PM
i think he was overexaggerating when he said 20 minutes. anyways i dont think the long version hack should be used. but if people REALLY want it, then i think 2-3 min songs should be 1 stage, and 4-6 min songs should be 2 stages. and songs like for a lifetime are WAY too long and shouldnt be played. and i agree, very few people nowdays at acme can do the popular long songs, but theres alot of people that do those songs, fail at some point in a song, and like 100 people take turns on just that one song like its a fuckin orgy. people really need to stop doin that so much. if theres no one waiting to play then i guess its ok to do it
waits the zealot...
June 03, 2009, 02:35:10 PM
Relax, the most of a restriction that'll be put on is something like 6-8 minute songs count as two stages. That way you get a long and short version for one credit. I'd like to remind you that the official game has no songs over 2:25 or something of the sort. If you play the longest song in official ITG 3 times in a row, you're playing under 8 minutes of songs. If you are playing on an R23 cabinet, the OGG patch doesn't work. The game was not meant to allow for 8 minute songs counting as one stage. Keep in mind it's also really fucking unfair to the people such as me who only stop by for 2 hours and usually try and get more than one set in per visit. Another thing to mention: the patch is actually installed BY DEFAULT on the game. If you add songs to the machine, they AUTOMATICALLY COUNT AS MORE THAN ONE STAGE. The only reason they don't when you use a USB drive is because you fuck up the length stamps on the OGG files tricking the game into thinking songs are shorter than they are. That's effectively like stealing free playtime, so I wouldn't say that disallowing such things constitutes "messing up the machine". If you were to load any long files onto the machine permanently, they'd count as more than one stage. Just saying.
waits the zealot...
June 03, 2009, 02:42:18 PM
Quote from: Suko on June 03, 2009, 01:38:54 PM
This is quite possibly the most selfish thing I've heard from anyone here in a long while. You act as it's your
to play 6-8 minute songs for the price of one, but it's not. The machine wasn't originally intended to be used in this way, and the only reason it is possible now is because Konami fuxed over Roxor, so Roxor gave everything they could to the players and the community with the R21 patch.
Double post time!
Another thing to mention is that, again, even when Roxor "gave everything they could to the players, they didn't mean for people to abuse long songs. This is shown by the default built in 2-min limit. R23 fixes this bug.
June 03, 2009, 02:56:18 PM
1. Long versions are, at best, milking the machine - by playing 3 6-to-8 minute long songs, you're quite literally tripling your play time (3 songs, 2 minutes each = 6 minutes.) At worst, they're also inconsiderate. If I'm at ACME with Tony and one other person, I don't mind waiting 15 minutes for a set. If there are lots of people there, the last thing I want to do is see Heaven 5 times in a row. Plus, when most people fail, they don't try to quit out, they let their friends take over.
2. Honestly, unlimited scroll time is a little excessive, too. Maybe we could set it back to 99 seconds so people can't scroll forever? (I was guilty of this when the new songs came out, because I wanted to see what was put on the machine, and I think in that case it's fairly justified, but 99 seconds at a time is definitely enough no matter what!)
Long version songs have been nothing but trouble ever since people learned how to hack their song files. I really feel like that "hack" was more meant for cohesive, good charts that happened to be 10 or so seconds over the limit, not exploiting the machine for all it's worth.
Over the years, I've been in MANY different financial situations, and I definitely remember being a college student or working for barely over minimum wage and being really tempted by any sort of exploits, but you have to realize, the arcade industry is suffering, and if the machines don't make enough money, they're not going to be around for us. If anybody seriously objects to paying a dollar for an eight minute song, they should probably consider paying 7-8k for their very own ITG2 machine when this one stops making enough money and gets pulled from ACME.
June 03, 2009, 03:03:37 PM
I'm going to have to agree with Kevin; many of us are busy people and can't spend hours waiting in the arcade for our next set, and it's just downright aggravating to see people play 20 minute sets [I have seen people play 6-7 minute songs for their whole set regularly, and still do see it]. As well as disrespectful to other players who don't do that, it is severely disrespectful to Bill, since r21 was not meant to allow for it. I've made a personal habit of playing long songs as my first or second song and failing out of the next if I pass, purely to be a good person and not steal extra playtime.
As for the comparison to DDR's oni courses, barring a couple exceptions like World Tour (which was severely edited for later versions, likely for time issues), the average course is 6-7 songs, each about 1:20-1:35 in length. That comes out to about 10 minutes of play, vs ITG's roughly 9 minute marathons (songs are usually a little over 2 minutes) and 11 minute survival courses. So the comparison to long songs via r21 is pretty invalid.
@Laura: The timer is something like 45 seconds with no scroll-stall like DDR (no penalty while data is loading, stops applying after enough time is wasted scrolling), so it becomes hard to sift through more than one section of the list on default sort. Especially in the wake of new songs, this is a very awkward thing because you really don't have to time to go browsing through more than a couple songs. Unfortunately, it's very exploitable with no limit, so I do agree with the sentiment, but the timer, as far as I know, cannot be adjusted other than turning it off, so it sucks either way.
EDIT: typos, minor rewording
Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 03:09:47 PM by ancsik
Masterman Vending
June 03, 2009, 05:16:36 PM
Many thanks to those that believe in not raping the play time per dollar. we greatly appreciate that, and is the biggest reason why we allow this to go on in the first place. If it was just getting raped with 15 minute game times, it would have been disabled by now. Keep it fair, everyone wins! :-)
June 03, 2009, 07:27:28 PM
This all reminds me of the time a couple of months ago when I saw the ITG2 machine was left in settings. So tempted to put it on free play, honestly I was, but I just restarted the machine in fear of being caught haha
silly me. I can't get away with anything if I tried, so I don't.
I agree with Kevin on this completely, this "long hack" will make it easier on waiting time, especially if he puts a lot of files that everyone already brings on their USB onto the machine. And personally I don't care as long as the machine is in it's super awesome condition.
So just pay the damn dollar, even if you only get to play boten anna + one shorter song.
Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 10:24:25 AM by Keby
June 03, 2009, 10:34:37 PM
Quote from: mvco on June 03, 2009, 05:16:36 PM
Keep it fair, everyone wins! :-)
PNWBemani knows the secret: Keep Bill happy, Bill keeps us happy!
If I see someone's set above 14 minutes long and someone else is waiting, I won't be ashamed to go over and tell the player that they're done and need to get off, even if it's in the middle of a song. Nobody is above anyone else in terms of having more of a right to play on the machine. Especially if people abuse the song cutoffs. We are the ones primarily using the hack; we need to make sure we all use it right.
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
June 04, 2009, 05:23:33 AM
Alright well I'm hardly 'raping the machine' and I don't think you'll ever see me play without offering the other side to another waiting-player or play an excessively long song with more than 1 person waiting maybe. And I've called in to report problems and I keep the pads clean and don't play stomp-stomp-revolution or anything like that so I'm just trying to make the case that we don't have a problem right now with it like you guys seem to be building it up to be. I GUARANTEE I pump way more money into that damn machine than it costs to maintain from my use, no matter how excessively long the songs I assure you (and I don't play 15min sets over and over and over and though you guys seem to claim otherwise it's a very rare occasion I've even seen players do that. Frankly very few who play at Acme have the stamina to keep up with that kind of play style). If it ain't broke don't fix it. I agree that excessive abuse of any time restraint mechanic be it scroll timer or really long songs or whatever, but...
If I see someone's set above 14 minutes long and someone else is waiting, I won't be ashamed to go over and tell the player that they're done and need to get off, even if it's in the middle of a song. Nobody is above anyone else in terms of having more of a right to play on the machine. Especially if people abuse the song cutoffs. We are the ones primarily using the hack; we need to make sure we all use it right.
Yes, just speak up with the player who's there that you have a problem with. Please if you see discourtesy approach it, but not by offhandedly taking off something that's helped make these machines so much better than others.
If it was just getting raped with 15 minute game times, it would have been disabled by now. Keep it fair, everyone wins! :-)
The man has it right
June 04, 2009, 02:49:24 PM
Quote from: Gerrak on June 04, 2009, 05:23:33 AM
The man has it right
He said that because enough of us don't even come close to exploiting the machine for it to be hurting him overall. Hence saying if only 15 minute sets were being played, custom songs would be disabled. Basically, your ability to play multiple long versions hinges on the rest of us being honest. And honestly, I'm not a big fan of people being let off because the greater part of the group is inadvertently supporting them.
A long time ago, but not too long before r21 first hit, Bill had mentioned he was thinking of dropping it to .75/play. After a couple years of people playing long songs regularly, that still hasn't happened. Obviously, correlation doesn't imply causation and all, but it's something to think about. This goes back to my former argument; I'd be quite content having the limit enforced as it could very well be the barrier from me getting to save my own money - in an honest way no less.
June 04, 2009, 04:50:01 PM
Sorry if people wait for me but i usually play long songs like OWA when everyone is gone(as in no one is waiting to play) so that's okay right? I like the long version idea because i dont want to wait 30 minutes just to try to ** Little Kitty Mine
June 04, 2009, 04:52:41 PM
A good general rule is "if nobody else is going to be putting their money into the machine, it's probably ok." If you're the only one there, playing a long version isn't an issue, since chances are you'd be the only one playing on the machine anyway and therefore Bill isn't really losing any money.
Happy Redneck
June 05, 2009, 02:42:10 AM
i agree with you laura. basically people just need to be considerate of others while playing. some mother fuckers, not saying names, have a problem with this. some guys in there like to play a whole bunch of long songs and take turns on them. they do that shit way too much. im pretty observant of people in the arcade even though i dont seem like it so i dont think i have a problem being considerate. honestly i dont want the long version hack to be used since not everybody exploits the machine to the fullest extent, but if its really necessary for some reason, i wont bitch about it and start a riot lol
June 05, 2009, 11:08:50 AM
I think I've seen the same people you have, and that's actually what made me post in the first place, NOT Gerrick. If you fail a song, you failed, get off the machine, don't let all of your friends try to play when I've been in line... geez.
EDIT: I'd like to see Spinnin' Around added to the machine, just because it's fun. As a sidenote, if anyone has a copy of the simfile, and wants to e-mail it to me...
Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 11:12:26 AM by Laura
June 05, 2009, 06:35:59 PM
That would be awesome if Acme Bowl had a 2nd Itg 2 machine like the first, but I don't think thats possible to get right now. It would kind of be like Narrows back in the good ol' days when they had 2 DDR Extremes.
Oh and you should add DDR Boss songs if anyone seems interested in that.
June 06, 2009, 11:41:35 AM
lol gerrak.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
June 07, 2009, 09:51:11 PM
I play DDR songs every time I'm on an ITG2 machine. Particularly 5th Mix songs. Don't worry though; just because I'm Dancing All Alone doesn't mean I'm not happy to let someone hop on the other pad. ;P
waits the zealot...
June 08, 2009, 10:08:25 AM
So guys I'm sorry I didn't do anything this weekend. I had a concert and finals and a lot of stuff I had to do instead of arcade hackery.
The good news is that my external drive has been recovered and I have all the stuff I need to hack themes and such onto the machine now.
Expect some new stuff in the next few days.
June 09, 2009, 07:58:39 PM
June 28, 2009, 11:33:39 AM
If possible, could you guys add more rap/hip-hop songs? I don't mind the current mix, but I do get tired of the same EURObeat or Max300-like move as fast as possible crap...
June 29, 2009, 06:43:46 PM
Or at least, no lyrics more explicit than "fuckin' you up" or "blow my whistle, baby" ... LOL.
June 30, 2009, 07:13:26 PM
What happens if I bring in some songpacks on a USB drive, but the ogg files aren't doctored to hide the song length? Will it just not work?
Btw, I'm totally fine with honoring the "fail the next song after a long song" thing; I just want to know in advance if it will even work. And yes, I'm new to this. Sorry if it's a n00b question.
July 01, 2009, 09:41:55 AM
If I recall, you'll try to pick the song on the machine and it will say something like "This song is too long" and make you select a new song choice.
Divers go deep, in Okinawa
August 05, 2009, 12:47:26 PM
Since being in Japan for so long, and not having easy access to DDR (as crazy as that sounds, it is Okinawa), and no ITG or Pump at all, I really got into the Mungyodance game. 1 & 2. Still haven't gotten 3 yet. But I'm pretty addicted to some of the songs on there. Which I can't find for the life of me, but if anyone else knows where to get them, I think they'd be great additions to ITG. Maybe not some of the step charts though. Seeing as Dash Hopes is a level 16. Oh yeah, some songs. I think I like that sound (remix), Break Neck Bombing Run, the Xuxa remix, etc. Its already a highly ITG influenced game, so it should work.
August 06, 2009, 12:15:43 AM
scroll down. There's all 3 packs for stepmania. and the game if you want MYD anyways...
Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 05:36:16 PM by Keby
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Western Washington
Acme Bowl ITG Custom Song Request Thread
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