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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Western Washington
Acme ITG updates
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May 16, 2011, 01:25:23 PM
It's probably about time to break this topic out from the main Acme thread, since there's been a lot of information about the machine posted to the main thread and the details are being obscured by meetup content at the same time that it makes it hard to notice the meetup / service update posts.
This thread will be here just to notify people of the work I do on the machine. Song/pack requests should still go through the requests thread, physical maintenance still goes through the main thread. In general, this thread is for reporting bugs to me (theme doing weird stuff, songs broken, etc) and for me to notify everyone of the changes I make.
I'm beginning a daunting project - polishing the custom content so the machine remains suited to public use. There are two main issues with much of the new content which will make the game awkward for new players and potentially existing players: Expert only and automatically generated display BPM.
Full sets of charts for every song in every pack is a lofty and very impractical goal given how long it will take to write that many charts, but a lot of the new content ranks in at very high difficulties, and it's going to be a problem if a lot of players don't want to play with one another because the single difficulty available for a chart isn't amenable to both players - making a 9+ Hard chart to match the 12+ Expert charts of non-long songs would be a good start toward balancing things out so that players won't feel a strong need to play one at a time. I know this is a potential issue as there were whispers of "I don't want to play a set with X because I want to play significantly harder/easier charts than X" yesterday, and having alternate, but still expert level, charts will help mitigate this damage as well as mitigate how scary a fully-loaded machine will be to newer players. Volunteers to help out with writing charts would be greatly appreciated - the new songs are all from widely available packs, so if anyone wants to write an alternate chart, go find the right pack, write it (and test it, please), then send the new .sm file to me.
Fixing display BPMs is a much simpler task. Almost everyone has, at some point, gotten screwed by seeing a 140 BPM song listed as 140-280 because of some stuttered notes and picking the wrong speed mod as a result. Any time you find such a chart, let me know what the real BPM or BPM range (I know of a song that is 50-100, but displays as 50-200 due to stuttering - I'm sure there are others) is and I will update the file with the corrected display BPM value(s).
Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 01:05:46 PM by ancsik
August 27, 2011, 10:27:43 AM
I'll be heading down there starting right now.
August 27, 2011, 05:08:35 PM
Day 1 was a bust - the PIUIO card gave me some trouble. I'm still trying to figure out if I had things plugged into the wrong place or backwards or what. Gathering information today, giving it another try tomorrow morning. I'm going to shoot for 9 am, but we'll see how that goes. Definitely no later than 10 am.
August 28, 2011, 08:35:00 AM
Alright, time to try this again.
August 28, 2011, 02:45:36 PM
Got everything hooked up and running, but had to swap the old computer back in due to some configuration issues. Most of it is small stuff, USB is the only major issue. If I can get everything in working order, I might stop by again this evening.
I am happy to note the new computer has a polling rate which varies between 460 and 500 Hz, so the polling rate should never again hurt anyone's scores.
August 30, 2011, 12:23:44 PM
So basically scores are going to improve by virtue of software and hardware changes as opposed to skill again. Awesome.
August 30, 2011, 12:31:45 PM
Because my DDR/ITG skills have been so stagnant over the past three months.
waits the zealot...
August 30, 2011, 01:20:12 PM
Quote from: manyminimoos on August 30, 2011, 12:23:44 PM
So basically scores are going to improve by virtue of software and hardware changes as opposed to skill again. Awesome.
August 30, 2011, 02:16:05 PM
I didn't see you guys bitching about the new computer when it was announced. And even if one of you didn't have access to the internet when the new computer was announced, you could have bitched about the new computer much sooner than when it's about to get put in.
Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 02:49:11 PM by tadAAA
August 30, 2011, 03:55:58 PM
The polling rate is being offset by JudgeWindowAdd going to 0, per
A polling rate that high will get rid of the occasional issue with a sample lining up as horribly as possible, which is what JudgeWindowAdd was meant to do on the old computer. If JWA=0.0015 at 80-100 Hz hasn't been enough to prevent significant changes in your scores, then you manage to play with astonishing precision, but are consistently 20ms off-beat. I'd think anyone that precise would be able to get themselves on beat though, so I doubt that's happening.
I need to check with Vyhd, but given that r16 (which bumped the polling rate) also included a change to the global offset, I have a feeling that polling samples are rounded in the same direction, rather than inward - one side of the window shrinks while the other grows, effectively changing the sync (by an amount that varies with each arrow). The r16 offset changed by 0.006, which happens to be on the order of the difference in sample sizes with and without the kernel hack (it's about one half of the difference between samples at 40Hz and 80Hz and close to the difference between samples at 60 Hz and 100 Hz); this could well just be coincidence, which is why I will ask vyhd when I get a chance, since he's likely to actually know. In that case, the higher polling rate wouldn't effectively widen the timing in any way, it would just make the center of the window more likely to line up with the intended timing. And then, having JWA=0 thrown in, the timing window actually shrinks, to compensate for the window drifting less.
Assuming instead that the rounding errors only noticeably affect one side of the window (I'll call it the front side), with the back side staying very consistent, the lower polling rate paired with JWA=0.0015 advantages playing toward the back side of the window, since that side will not only be more consistent, but will also still have the full 1.5 ms JWA padding applied.
The higher polling rate is only an advantage if both sides of the window round inward. Assuming that's true, then with JWA=0.0015 (a total Fantastic window of +\-23 = 46 ms) and 100 Hz samples (conservative, since that's the best case), the worst case would be 3 Fantastic samples per step (for example, samples at -24 to -14 and 16+ to 26 would be dropped, leaving a window of 30 ms, or 3 samples), with the best case being 4 samples which give a slightly asymmetric window. The issue here is that the worst case of 3 samples would happen over 1/3 of the time, so we'd have had to have gotten used to dealing with windows that are essentially +/- 14 ms, instead of the theoretical +/- 23 ms, or even the best case 4 sample windows that would be more like +/- 19 ms on average (due to the slight asymmetry). Factor that the polling rate could drop (the polling rate varies constantly and rapidly) to 80 Hz (12.5 ms windows), and would get arrows that spontaneously have windows as tight as +/- 12 ms. Any player who could achieve any degree of consistency across multiple tries on the same chart (the timing window for each arrow would vary from play to play, so they'd basically be able to play the entire chart as if the Fantastic window were +/-14 ms, with the occasional 12 ms window most likely giving the an Excellent). Given these kinds of numbers, I definitely find it safe to assume that the windows don't round inward, but I'd be glad to pick some charts that I can consistently SDE and see if the new computer starts handing me quads in an attempt to check these numbers.
That brings us to one of the previous two models - the whole window shifts or the front side shrinks while the back side is fixed. The back side can't be fixed, since that requires the samples to be precise enough to not vary the window by more than a fraction of a millisecond, so we're back to my assumption that the whole window shifts by some amount and may occasionally shrink slightly when things really line up poorly. In that case, cutting out the 1.5 ms of window padding by removing JWA should more or less balance out and the theoretical concerns are moot. I'll be glad to take back my stance if someone gets a half dozen new quads in one day on the new computer, but for now, there's no reason to theorize that scores will show any statistically significant changes, since for every step hurt by a front side rounding error, one is likely helped by a back side rounding error.
I only played a couple songs on the new computer before I pulled it back out, so I don't have a large enough sample to make any strong claims, but it was not noticeably easier - the only score I remember offhand is Romeo's Dead, on which I got 17 one day after getting 9.
To be fair, some songs will be significantly easier with the new hardware. Those songs would be ones with 640x480 videos, like Less Than Three. Or ones that crash the machine sometimes, like Sweet Donuts.
The Almighty Tallest
August 30, 2011, 04:54:31 PM
Quote from: ancsik on August 30, 2011, 03:55:58 PM
Tony's post
Dude, I appreciate the level of detail in your posts, but it makes me wish our forum had a /spoiler or /collapse feature for large chunks of detailed text like that.
a fellow by the name of Ben
August 30, 2011, 06:11:00 PM
Quote from: manyminimoos on August 30, 2011, 12:23:44 PM
So basically scores are going to improve by virtue of software and hardware changes as opposed to skill again. Awesome.
Tony's doing us a service by upgrading the machine's hardware at the cost of lots of his own time. Your concerns may be legitimate, but I take issue with you complaining without asking if anything can be done about it first. Please try to be constructive when you raise issues like this, and show a little appreciation for the work that's being put into the project as a whole.
Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 06:14:10 PM by sfxazure
August 31, 2011, 10:31:53 AM
I think the solution to all of this is fairly obvious. We just need to set the polling rate and JWA to the rate that's set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Oh wait.
Honestly, it's not like the machine was "correct" before the new computer or will be "correct" afterward. Are the scores within reasonable bounds of the TONS of different machines that exist out there? Is the machine still enjoyable to play?
If someone has some specific polling rate or JWA to make a solid argument for, do that. But Tony is the only one making logical (and thorough) arguments for the choices that he's making to maintain the machine. I think he's doing a fantastic job with all of his research and efforts; and while the machine might be a little different, change is not necessarily a bad thing.
August 31, 2011, 01:09:20 PM
Quote from: Suko on August 30, 2011, 04:54:31 PM
Dude, I appreciate the level of detail in your posts, but it makes me wish our forum had a /spoiler or /collapse feature for large chunks of detailed text like that.
Yeah, that would be really useful. Most of my paragraphs are really well suited to collapsing everything after the first sentence of each paragraph.
Quote from: Tricksy on August 31, 2011, 10:31:53 AM
If someone has some specific polling rate or JWA to make a solid argument for, do that.
The polling rate isn't configurable - the PIUIO driver runs as fast as it possibly can given the hardware and USB drivers and can't be told to do anything else.
Dedicabs have low polling rates because they use USB 1.1 drivers, even though the computer has USB 2.0 ports. I can't remember if it was shakesoda or vyhd who pointed out to me that, in 2004, Linux USB 2.0 drivers were still unreliable, since it takes a little while for open source drivers to mature and USB 2.0 was very new at the time, so Roxor's decision made sense. They compensated for the old drivers by coding the game to poll as often and as fast as it could, and added JWA to compensate when that still wasn't enough.
---- TL;DR summary at bottom ----
JWA can be set to whatever - you can even make it negative and shrink the windows. It's worth noting that the OpenITG guys have conducted placebo tests where they tell people they're changing the sync (by the 6ms r8-to-r16 difference) and actually do nothing; players commented that the placebo sync feels more like r16 - subjectivity and standard deviation in a player's scores combined can do more more than a 6 ms sync change. Since the polling rate is more a function of stabilizing the sync than widening the windows once you get above 100 Hz, I think the same would apply here, so players probably couldn't reliably tell JWA=0 at 160 Hz from JWA=0 at 480 Hz, since that's an offset of 2 ms on average.
Furthermore, when you consider that 43 ms at 160 Hz is 6.88 samples, you find that the worst case window is 37.5 ms (6 samples, giving a window of about -16 ms to +21.5 ms) but in in 88% of cases, the game will give you 7 samples, or 43.75 ms (-21.5 ms to +22.5 ms, -20 ms to +23.75 ms, and -16.5 ms to +27.25 ms are all possible). On the other hand, at 480 Hz, you get a wost case of 20 samples, or 41.7 ms (roughly -19 ms to +21.5 ms), and 64% of the time, you get 21 samples, or 43.75 ms (just like 7 samples at 160 Hz, but the most skewed window possible is only -19.5 ms to +23.5 ms). It'll play like an upgrade with really nice pads, except, instead of encouraging you to step off beat to take advantage of the window skew, and having every 8th arrow be significantly tighter with a 1 ms skew, you get windows that are never skewed more than 1 ms, no random timing spikes (the tighter windows are still close to correct), and only 3 out of 5 - instead of 7 out of 8 - arrows have the unintended 0.75 ms padding. I'm not going to do the math for 480 Hz and JWA=0.15, since that's clearly an inappropriate configuration (@Tom: fix your machine).
Now then, the current setup, JWA=0.0015 at ~90 Hz, has a total window of 46 ms, or 4.14 samples. This means 86% of steps get 4 samples, or 44.4 ms (for example -21.6 ms to +23 ms, or, at the heaviest skew, -12 ms to +32.4 ms) and 14% get 5 samples or 55.6 ms (that's so wide that there's no reason to do the calculations). As long as you take advantage of the skew for a 4 sample window by centering yourself about 6 ms behind the theoretical center (which the global offset is meant to do for you), you get to enjoy windows that are never smaller than the proper 43 ms, with the skew never hurting you more than the worst case for an upgrade, and roughly every seventh step is obscenely easy. So, while the higher polling rate will fix the worst case where one edge is only 17 ms from the adjusted center and ensure than a 1 ms center adjustment never gives you a worse case than 20 ms, the higher polling rate will instead ensure that the timing window can never be wider than the narrowest timing window the computer currently gives. So, when it comes to stepping against the skew, the worst case with the new computer is no where near as bad, nor will it happen as often, but in every other way, the judging will be less generous.
TL;DR: JWA=0 at 480 Hz is fine. We might end up needing to change the global sync by about 2 ms, though.
Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 01:24:00 PM by ancsik
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Western Washington
Acme ITG updates
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