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October 27, 2012, 05:57:58 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey all,
As most of you know, we have that newer Pump It Up cabinet that was at Sakuracon this year. 
It has been sitting at our shop, waiting fro the the Infinity kits to be released, which is happening very soon.  However, they are now also releasing Fiesta 2 at the same time!  I have no idea which one would appeal to most of you, so open to suggestions on which version to put in this cabinet before we drop at Acme soon.

Fiesta 2, or Infinity? 

Or is there little interest in either one?
Read October 27, 2012, 07:55:42 AM #1

I would still love to play pump!  Heck, I'd play it a whole ton if you brought it to acme as is!
Read October 27, 2012, 08:17:11 AM #2

Ah, I'm not actually sure yet about the songlist & differences between the versions..

Definitely interested in both. Need to research a bit, if I'd have to put a preference on one ^^
Read October 27, 2012, 10:32:51 AM #3

I just wanted to reiterate that it would be the weakest thing ever to replace the SN2 machine with Pump, as was originally the discussion. It would be the first time in many, many years (ever in my recollection) that Acme would be reduced to only 1 four-panel machine (Where we used to have three), and that would absolutely decrease my amount of play, and most likely other strictly four-panel players', since we wouldn't be able to play any between sets of ITG. For me at least, having the second machine drastically improves sessions where there are multiple players, since I don't have to wait so long and can stay warmed up. Also, the charts and style of DDR are much more conducive to beginning players, so people in that early stage are much better off using a DDR machine than the ITG machine.

It would, if you recall, be a much, much, much better solution to replace the SN2 machine with Pump AND a DDR Extreme machine. This would satisfy (and likely excite!) basically everyone involved, and would only require for rearranging machines to account for the space. Maybe we could remove one of the four or five car-racing games so we don't have to reduce the #1 four-panel location in the PNW to only one machine.

Anyway I appreciate your consideration on the matter Smiley

« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 10:44:11 AM by Gerrak »
Read October 27, 2012, 09:31:04 PM #4

Thanks for following up on this, Bill! I'm all for pump at ACME and don't really care much for DDR, so I'm not too worried about SN2 being replaced. DDR Extreme would certainly be a plus, but I'm happier with just ITG and Pump than ITG and SN2.

As far as Infinity vs Fiesta2: the community in general hasn't seen much footage for either game, so it'll be difficult to say which game we want. Historically, Korean pump has impressed me more than the US versions, but Infinity is supposed to be different from the pro series, so it's hard to tell which is more worthwhile.
Read October 28, 2012, 06:01:15 AM #5

Well, there is time for you guys to figure it all out.  The kits are not yet available, just wanted to get things started.

A Gerrak, we are going to replace the ITG with pump, just to throw off your four panel goodness, haha.
Seriously, you will be happy to hear that I am working on space to make this an ADDITIONAL dance game!  So two two panel and one five panel for your arrow smashing .
Read October 28, 2012, 06:04:00 AM #6

If the above link does work, you can see trailers on both Pump games.
Read October 28, 2012, 06:20:41 PM #7

I am getting an mk6 soon and might be interested in your zero kit if you are willing to part with it
Read October 28, 2012, 06:22:22 PM #8

Also on topic i am liking the songs from fiesta 2 so far
Read October 28, 2012, 06:42:19 PM #9

Fiesta 2 is going to kill Infinity, no doubt about it. I'd love to see that at Acme! I can't imagine Infinity being anything more than a weak attempt to "cater" to American audiences, and the cool mission modes and USB features of the main Pump series sound way better to me.
Read October 29, 2012, 07:04:57 AM #10

you will be happy to hear that I am working on space to make this an ADDITIONAL dance game!
I am, in fact, quite happy to hear this  Grin Thank you!!!
Read October 29, 2012, 05:42:55 PM #11

From the 1st trailer alone, I got excited to see a few familiar songs coming out on Fiesta 2.  Grin
Just comparing the gameplay differences between the two, I also prefer the default noteskins of Fiesta 2 over Infinity. (not that this is a HUGE deal, but.. sometimes it's the little things)

Could someone go into a bit more detail about these potential Pump USB options?
Read October 31, 2012, 04:54:07 AM #12

Sounds like Fiesta 2 has won.  Ordered the software yesterday.  Should be released in about a month.  Get ready!  :-)
Read October 31, 2012, 03:33:03 PM #13

Sounds like Fiesta 2 has won.  Ordered the software yesterday.  Should be released in about a month.  Get ready!  :-)
Cool. I'm really pumped for some Fiesta 2  Cool
Read October 31, 2012, 03:39:03 PM #14

I just might start venturing over to Acme again. It's been months since my last visit.
Read October 31, 2012, 08:10:43 PM #15

I'm interested in seeing how he plans to rearrange things at Acme to have three dance games that don't all interfere with each other, noise-wise.  As things stand, Supernova 2 isn't really audible if someone is playing ITG.  So if the Pump machine gets slapped down next to one of those, then we'll have two machines that you can't hear instead of one.
Read November 01, 2012, 04:49:20 AM #16

You will be happy to hear the PIU is going to the back of the room, far away from other music games. 
Happy Redneck
Read November 02, 2012, 12:38:03 AM #17

Yes! The superior game shouldn't be around silly 4 panel games anyway.
Read November 02, 2012, 02:44:59 AM #18

Yes! The superior game shouldn't be around silly 4 panel games anyway.

Read November 04, 2012, 01:54:13 PM #19

Fiesta 2 at acme? Looks like I'm going to have to start going more.
Read November 06, 2012, 10:00:47 PM #20

Hulk is ready to drop many quarters.
Read November 07, 2012, 05:49:22 PM #21

i like this thread
3vi1 5hR0OmS
Read November 08, 2012, 01:14:15 PM #22

Look like I'll be spending more time down at Acme now! Can't wait till u get Fiesta 2 Smiley
Read December 11, 2012, 05:32:05 PM #23

Sounds like Fiesta 2 has won.  Ordered the software yesterday.  Should be released in about a month.  Get ready!  :-)
I hope it's installed soon, I'm gonna be back in Seattle this weekend Cheesy
Read December 11, 2012, 09:41:59 PM #24

looks like there is a dump floating around so it should be reaaaaaaaally soon
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