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September 17, 2007, 02:58:06 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hi okay so basically I am moving to Seattle next week Wednesday (I'm going to be a freshman at UW) and I want to meet some of you guys especially since Davyn/KevinDDR/whatever/whoever expressed likewise interest in this sort of thing, so we should use this thread to potentially coordinate some kind of BEMANI PARTY sort of thing where I get to meet some of you guys.

Chickensnack also recently moved to Bellevue and I think he was interested too.

So what is the best place to do this sort of thing?

Read September 18, 2007, 08:03:10 PM #26

amber HI

and boo for gameworks ;(
Read September 18, 2007, 08:28:24 PM #27

TECHNICALLY they have the same #of dance games at gameworks.

the point is i can walk there from the ferry.

but GW does close at 12 Sad

hey i'm just arguing with myself here.
Read September 18, 2007, 11:38:53 PM #28

gorrum has the right idea!!!

and nvm on the 28th, because i'm working Sad but i'm probably going to gameworks or acme this thursday

gameworks timecard is the only thing that makes going to gameworks worth it. i mean, fuck, spending 1.50+ for a game of extreme where you fail your first song? but, whatever. Smiley

while technically they have the same number of games, acme is much better condition.

and again, i can offer occasional rides down to acme from the seattle area if you aren't creepy (and also some gas money would be nice.) Smiley
Read September 19, 2007, 01:59:26 AM #29

Oh very well input taken as for as "boo for Gameworks" goes.  I was more down with Gameworks because it has Pop'n Fever but that is kind of selfish because I know most of you guys are mainly arrowstep players so whatever.  Locale doesn't really matter to me, I can always hit up Gameworks some other time on my own or with fewer people.

ALTHOUGH, it is my understanding that Gameworks is very near to a "brand new Pump NX" machine??? and I don't know how anyone can say no to that. :<

AMBER yessss I can give you gas moneys :G although Davyn already offered to drive me on the 28th.

Where is the uh IIDX 8th machine at anyway? lol IIDX 8th
Read September 19, 2007, 05:34:20 AM #30

YES its at the waterfront arcade which is even closer to the ferry.

edit: yeah the nx.
Read September 19, 2007, 07:02:43 AM #31

IIDX 8th is in Tacoma, at Narrows.
Read September 19, 2007, 01:39:03 PM #32

Quote from: "Toph"
ALTHOUGH, it is my understanding that Gameworks is very near to a "brand new Pump NX" machine?

more like premiere 2 dx from early 2002 upgraded to nx, but yeah you can walk to gameworks from there if you like walking up hills (i dont).
Read September 19, 2007, 02:48:47 PM #33

So has it been decided where this'll be? If it's at Gameworks, I can easily make it, (free bus ride woo) but if it's at Acme, I'll need a ride or else I won't be there. :\
Read September 26, 2007, 08:14:57 AM #34

Ok, I think it's safe to assume this will be at GW. What time are you guys gonna be there?
Read September 26, 2007, 03:12:14 PM #35

around 5:30 ish. Supposedly I'm getting a ride with Toph/Davyn or something. *shrug*
Read September 26, 2007, 03:55:28 PM #36

so 5:30ish friday right

i'll try real hard.
Read September 26, 2007, 05:26:07 PM #37


Alright, I think I can make that. Someone better session with me on GFDM so I can get Onihime Extreme (after like 1000 failed attempts at earning it).
Read September 27, 2007, 08:02:09 AM #38

Only if I can play the drum chart because I can't beat higher than like 60-70 on GF

but yeah I think Davyn is picking me and cynic up at 4:30 or so,

then if we want to get some dinner somewhere we can do that.
Read September 28, 2007, 10:49:09 AM #39

OK so I will be there at 6:15. I have a ridiculous headache at the moment though, so maybe not. Hopefully it'll go away or I'll have to grab some Motrin which could cause INTERNAL BLEEDING with the medicine I'm on.


I'm excited for some tatsujin action tonight.  :mykl:
Read September 28, 2007, 11:42:24 AM #40

Hey dudes,

I'm new in town but I come from the Bay Area where I was slightly connected with the Bemani scene there. I bet it's pretty creepy since I'm new on the boards and I've never talked to any of you but I think I'll head down to GameWorks today and see what's going on. All right? All right.
Read September 28, 2007, 02:03:42 PM #41

Sounds like a plan; A PLAN OH MAN!

My headache is gone, so I'm totally going to be there. Now if only my voice would return...Tongue
Read September 28, 2007, 02:36:39 PM #42

I'll probably be there, but can't imagine staying for long; I'm really beat from the past few days.
Read September 29, 2007, 11:18:45 AM #43

I think it was successful

with an emphasis on SUCC
Read September 29, 2007, 01:19:22 PM #44

HELLO JefferyAtW
Read September 29, 2007, 01:21:22 PM #45

Read September 29, 2007, 01:23:11 PM #46

damn you are quick
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